Capital markets

Through Capital Markets MIM3 started its Private Equity operations in May of 2015 and specializes in three main activities.

  1. Development of Private Equity projects
  2. If you are thinking about investing into Private Equity as an investment:
    • Direct ownership (stocks): incorporating new strategies and assets as well as structuring well-defined business entities and investment flows.
    • Indirect investment through securitization (mainly bonds)
  3. Management of Private Equity in all its forms
  4. MIM3 can offer the needed services to manage and follow-up a portfolio of illiquid assets and private equity investments.

  5. Trading of Private Equity Assets
  6. MIM3 also trades in PE-projects, as well as in other illiquid assets. MIM3 is also working on liquidity stretching in PE-investments, through the application of Liquidity Programmes. These programmes should bring more liquidity into PE investments.

MIM3 started its Private Equity operations in May of 2015 and specializes in